Nursing Care & Daycare Under One Roof


From caring for your child’s medical treatment(s) to fun filled therapeutic activities, our loving team of caregivers provides daily activities tailored to the individual strengths and abilities of each child.



"Loretta's Little Miracles is a dynamic, evolving facility where the individual needs of my daughter are taken into consideration all day, every day. The staff is intuitive, proactive, and accommodating."

- Christen, LLM Mommy since 2009


Physical, Educational & Emotional Development

Our first priority is to provide your child the best nursing care available.  From tube feedings to seizure care, respiratory treatments and more, our team of licensed nurses are trained in providing both medical and emotional support for your little miracle. You can learn more about our staff here.

Home Health Nursing Care or Loretta's? You don't have to choose just one! Our services can be in addition/supplement of an alternative to in-home nursing care. We collaborate with all of of your child's care providers to best meet your child's needs - and your family's needs. 

+ How We Work

As a Title 22 Skilled Nursing Medical Facility (licensed and regulated), we work with children aged 0 to 21 years. Services for medically fragile children and adolescence under the age 21 are available under Medi-Cal. Based on the child’s diagnosis Medi-Cal allots the hours your child is able to receive at LLM.

Loretta’s Little Miracles operates with an inclusive model, working with both your child’s unique medical needs as well as their external team of doctors and therapists. Please note all patients must have physician ordered and approved treatment plans.

To manage your child’s care, charting of your child’s daily care is done by a licensed nurse. This includes:

  • medication administration
  • fluid intake/outake
  • change of position
  • bathroom/changes
  • physical evaluation
  • modalities
  • behavior
  • seizure log
  • neurological presentation
  • anything else identified in the individual Plan of Treatment (POT)

+ Maintaining A Healthy Space

To ensure a healthy space for every child, upon entry we take each child’s temperature to ensure they are not contagious as many of our patients are immunocompromised.

If a child is showing symptoms of infection, sickness or presenting with any other conditions outside the scope of the current Plan of Treatment which we are licensed to mitigate, we will notify the caregiver immediately to pick-up their child.

+ Daily Nutrition + Meal Plan

Our daily meal plan is prepared by a nutritionist and served or pureed to your child at no additional cost. That means you can rest assured that your child’s nutritional needs are being met at breakfast, lunch and dinner.

Items to be provided by caregiver:

  • Formula
  • Diet specific requirements

All meals and fluid intake is are charted in daily nursing notes.

+ Daily Care Treatments

Our team of skilled nurses are well-trained to administer a variety of treatments, including but not limited to:

  • Daily Nursing Assessment
  • Medication Administration
  • Treatment Administration
  • Seizure Management
  • G, NG, J - Tube Feedings
  • Ostomy Care
  • Trach Care
  • Respiratory Care
  • Skin Care
  • Wound Care
  • Physical Therapy
  • Specialized Nutritional Plan

** Children who have acting out or behavioral issues, or certain medical conditions, including but not limited to flight risk, severe allergies or dangerous behavior toward others or themselves, may not be appropriate for our program.

+ School Drop Off + Pick Up

If you have a school aged child (3-21 yrs) you can arrange for scheduled bus pick up and drop off through your school district. School bus pick up and drop off services operate Monday-Friday.

For children that require medication/treatment/feedings before school, our caregivers will take care of all your child’s daily needs and follow their Plan Of Treatment (POT) before and after school to help save you time and relieve you of any additional stress.

+ Security

To ensure a safe and healthy environment for every child, Loretta’s Little Miracles is a secure and locked facility. In addition, children are checked in and out by your approved list of caretakers by our staff.

For our extended hours care, we have a security gate that closes at 8pm to restrict access to the public even in our parking lot.


"Every day my little girl gets excited to come here, and she is always happy after a day at Loretta's. This has been such an amazing experience. Our family feels so blessed that our daughter gets to come here."

- Jamie, LLM Mommy since 2011


Everyone Deserves A Night Off

Taking care of your little miracle is a full time job, but that doesn’t mean you don’t need the opportunity to temporarily rest from your role as a primary caregiver.

This program is designed to give caregivers, who have sometimes not had a break in years, a much-needed rest which helps maintain the “normalcy” of the family unit.

+ Parent’s Night Off Hours

Friday and Saturday Nights

  • Date Night: pick up by 9pm
  • Overnight Care (limited capacity)

+ How To Register

We want to help you use the Medi-Cal allotted hours in the way that fits your family’s needs whether that is mid-week or for a Parent’s Night Off - date night or overnight care (limited capacity).

  • Complete a monthly schedule form provided by LLM.

Last minute plans… call-in! If we have staffing and your child has hours available we will accommodate!

** We ask that all caregivers check the child’s balance of hours routinely before signing up.


"Facilities like Loretta’s Little Miracles are so important to our family because without them we would never get a break or date night."

- Randy, LLM Adoptive Father since 2013


Enrichment Programs

At Loretta’s Little Miracles, we believe your little miracle deserves to be enriched developmentally and socially, so in addition to our daycare program we provide regular activities for all levels of ability.

As part of our daily schedule, your child will participate in our enrichment program at no additional cost to you.

Want to stay up to date with your child’s activities? Download the Learning Genie app to see daily pictures of your child and learn more about their social education and progress on their goals.

+ Our Curriculum

All of our lesson plans are designed by a Child Development educated Teacher and adapted to meet each child’s individual developmental and mobility levels. With the support of our CNAs and LVNs, your child receives the personal attention they deserve!

In order to provide information for your primary care physician, we chart your child’s behavior, mobility, and participation in the nurses notes to address IEP goals and to stimulate discussion with your education team and care providers.

+ How It Works

Our Teachers arrange lesson plans and themed activities, ensuring all children can participate as they are able in unique ways.

When your child hits milestones or IEP goals we will send home an "Awesomeness Award" for you to note how your little miracle is progressing or had a great day with behavior.

All of this is offered through our operating hours at no additional cost to you. Check the daily schedule for more information.

Types Of Enrichment Programs

  • Hand over Hand instruction

  • Colors/shapes/sounds

  • Art

  • Story time/reading

  • Sensory work

  • Object recognition

  • Dexterity

  • Potty training of all ages

  • Music therapy/exposure  

  • Dance/movement

  • Holiday celebrations

  • Behaviour modification